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Thursday, May 8, 2008

binocular straps - get creative and outdoors

Here are some tips on how to select the right night binoculars for you. If you love bird watching, then a pair of binoculars with a wide field of view and a fully multicoated optics may just fit your needs.

Binoculars have two specifications marked on the body of the binocular in the form of 7x 50, where the first number represents the magnification, in this case 7 times, and the second the aperture ,50mm in this case. Birdwatchers use binoculars to find those fast flying rare birds as they hum through the sky. With a cheap telescope, this will be of no use to you, as it will be hard to keep up.

Attached caps will protect the lenses, but not require you to fumble in your pockets looking for lens caps if it starts to rain or snow. The objective lenses are located on the end of the binoculars furthest away from your eye when viewing.

Also when you are looking for a pair of hunting binoculars you might want to look for a pair with a range finder feature. You need to feel comfortable using them, they should feel right in your hands, around your neck and up to your face. Capturing as much of that as possible is good as it means all the available light is getting to where you want it.

Get a good pair and enjoy! If you are going on a long trip, binoculars will be excellent entertainment for kids.

nikon binoculars reviews - stick to the fundamentals binoculars best buy basics

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