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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

stearn binoculars - perfect for a sporting event

Using binoculars is not a risk free activity. Compact Nikon binoculars are the handiest and most versatile of all optical instruments I have used.

Perhaps you are planning a sight-seeing trip to some exotic location. First, determine just how and under what circumstances you will be using your new binoculars. Digital binoculars are a cheap alternative, and can be picked up for considerably less money, and usually have a built-in camera.

In addition to this, the surface of the prism has a special mirror coating to prevent light loss. Hunters use binoculars, too. Compacts have objective lenses 25 mm or less.

Compacts have objective lenses 25 mm or less. The first number separated by the "x" is the power of the binocular, and means the object being viewed appears to be that number of times closer than you would see without the binoculars. The lower the light situation is, the more powerful night binocular you will need.

There are also models with compasses built in, to keep you always on track when camping. The ones in the two to five hundred dollar price range are generally sufficient for bird watchers.

meade 8 - 24 x 50 travel zoom binoculars - get the most from your Binoculars.

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